Ulrika Nilsson - Technogarden SE

Ulrika Nilsson

Ulrika Nilsson

I have worked within the entire HR area and in recent years focused more on recruitment. It is inspiring to put the right person in the right place and all parties gain in the long run.

5 quick questions for Ulrika

What is your role at Technogarden?
Recruitment consultant at the Karlstad office.

What are your foremost qualities?
I thrive in the meeting with people. I have the ability to listen and adapt to person and situation. I am creative and like development, and at the same time I prefer order.

Can you tell us something about yourself that not many people know?
I am a trained licensed mental coach, where I, among other things, create opportunities for personal development. I help people/organizations set goals and create plans to reach the goals.

Why do you like Technogarden?
The first thing that caught my interest in Technogarden was the value base and that it actually thrives in the organization.

Why should I contact you?
You are very welcome to contact me if you need an engineering consultant for a project, or if you are a consultant yourself. Also if you need to recruit managers or tech specialists. Get in touch and we can discuss your needs; I am happy to support you.


Phone: +46 702 98 30 85